Windrush Place is Witney’s newest Allotment Site, situated at the Eastern entrance to the new Windrush Place housing development.
The site has around 55 plots, with additional disabled raised beds. Each plot is let with a shed and water butt. There is a 16-bay car park at the west end entrance, with 2 pedestrian gates at the east and west ends of the site; access will be via these gates only. The site is equipped with a composting compound and a central tarmac path runs the length of the site between the east and west gates, with hogging paths separating each pair of plots. There are 6 mains-fed water standpipes. There is also a community hut for social events and a secure Asgard gardening equipment storage shed.
Rents are due on 1st April or up to 40 days after that, so must be paid by 10th May. The plot rents for 2020 are below (these remain the same rates as 2019).
Please pay by Bank Transfer if at all possible. Payment should be made to Witney Allotment Association, Sort Code 30-99-78, Account Number 56382860 and include as your reference your last name, followed by HR, NL, WP or LS and your plot number eg SMITHHR27 or JONESLS51B.
Full Plot (Standard) – £24.00
Full Plot (Concessions) – £19.00
Half Plot (Standard) – £16.00
Half Plot (Concessions) – £11.00
Late payments: plots holders are reminded that late payments incur an additional cost of £10, plot holders not submitting payment by 50 days from the 1st April (the 20th May) shall forfeit their tenancy under the terms of the tenancy agreement.
Water charge is extra – no concessions.
These 5 images below were taken upon handover of the site in Aug 2021.
The images below show how the site has developed since handover.